GORULE violations assigned by cgd


gorule-0000008 No annotations should be made to uninformative high level terms

gorule-0000013 Taxon-appropriate annotation check

gorule-0000020 Automatic repair of annotations to merged or obsoleted terms

gorule-0000022 Check for, and filter, annotations made to retracted publications

gorule-0000027 Each identifier in GAF is valid

gorule-0000046 The ‘with’ field (GAF column 8) must be the same as the gene product (GAF column 2) when annotating to ‘self-binding’ terms.

gorule-0000059 GAF Version 2.0 and 2.1 are converted into GAF Version 2.2

gorule-0000061 Allowed gene product to term relations (gp2term)

gorule-0000063 Annotations using ISS/ISA/ISO evidence should refer to a gene product (in the 'with' column)



No annotations should be made to uninformative high level terms
